assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
mudah-mudahan di laman yang tak seindahnya ini dapat memberi munafaat miski secebis cuma. inshaallah.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


jum kita sama-sama telaah artikal di bawah. bagi saya ianya relevan dan amat praktikal untuk diamalkan dari pengambilan pemakanan tambahan yang belum tentu keberkesanannya.

bagi umat islam, ada satu kelebihan yang kita miliki, iaitu exercise semulajadi "solat". jika tepat perbuatannya, ia dapat meransang darah keseluruh tubuh dan merenggangkan setiap urat saraf yang tersimpul. Inshaallah.

There are many natural ways for healthy looking
skins that slow the signs of aging. Here are some tips:
What you put in your stomach can show up on your skin. The healthier the food
you eat, the better your skin will look. Food and lifestyle that is good for
your body is also good for your skin.
Drink water to plump out your skin. Dryness may result in unsightly itchy, dull
scaly skin or dry red patches on the skin. Water also help flush out toxins from
your system leaving you feeling better and with a clearer, more beautiful skin.
You need about 8 glasses of water each day.
Pale, sallow, blotchy or greasy, acne prone skin indicates an imbalance /
unhealthy diet or illness. This article will not deal with illness but focus on
diet instead. Your skin needs both balanced nutrition and liquids to support and
flush out the body. In addition to water, consume other liquids such as juices,
teas, herbal drinks and soups.
Lubricate with oil
Oil lubricates your skin and acts as a barrier to keep water in. the oil from
cold water fish, walnut, flax seeds and sesame help make skin look younger and
suppler. Essential fatty acids in these foods are responsible for healthy cell
membranes; they not only act as barriers to harmful substances and germs, but
also act as filters for nutrients and waste products to get in and out of the
cells. Moreover, the same inflammatory process that can harm your arteries and
cause heart disease can harm skin cells. Essential fatty acids can offer
protection to both.
The best-known essential fatty acids are omega 3 and omega 6, which must be in
balance in our diet for healthy body and good skin. The recommended amount of
oil or fat in your diet is two tablespoonfuls per day.
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins,
fiber as well as phytochemicals.
Antioxidants and other phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables can protect the
body’s cells from destructive free radicals. When you help protect the cells
from damage and disintegration, you also guard against premature aging. Fruits
and vegetables may very well help keep your skin younger looking longer.
Take 3-5 servings of vegetable and 2-4 servings of fruits daily. A cup of raw
vegetable or a medium size apple is equivalent to a serving.
Get your protein from a variety of sources
A large proportion of your skin is made up of protein. Needless to say, getting
enough protein in your diet is important. Protein is made from amino acid. There
are 22 amino acids, all of which are needed by your body. You can get them from
eggs, all meats, fruits, vegetable, pulses, grains and nuts.
10-15% of your daily diet should be made up of protein to repair, maintain and
create new cells. Inadequate protein can cause skin problems and generally give
an unhealthy and tired appearance.
Improve circulation through food and exercise
Black pepper, ginger, and chili improve circulation and induce sweating. Good
circulation brings essential nutrients and oxygen to all tissues as well as
removes metabolic waste. Sweating removes toxins through the pores of the skin.
Exercise performs the same function with the added bonus of toning up muscles
thus giving more firmness and elasticity to your body and skin. It also quickens
breathing, further enriching your blood with oxygen and expelling carbon
dioxide. EAT A well-balanced diet .
Your skin needs nutrition from the above food groups plus carbohydrate to fuel
the living cells. We can liken a living cell to a car: without fuel to provide
energy, it cannot function. The USDA recommends getting the majority of energy
needs from carbohydrate. Eat 6-11 servings of carbohydrate daily to provide the
needed energy. A slice of bread is equivalent to a serving.
Everyone knows a well-balanced diet is necessary for good health and this is
reflected on the skin. some health experts believe that when your diet lack
certain foods for healthy skin, other, even more serious skin problems can
result; so give yourself a healthy, beautiful skin from the inside out through
diet. However, diet is not the only prerequisite for beautiful, younger-looking


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