It is a diary of life. Life is simple but it is not easy. May الله guidances us till the end.
mudah-mudahan di laman yang tak seindahnya ini dapat memberi munafaat miski secebis cuma. inshaallah.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Menghiasi rumah tuan juragan;
Salam lebaran untuk semua,
Sambutlah ia penuh kesyukuran.
Berarak awan disangka nak hujan,
Namun mentari menyerlah tetiba;
Jangan syawal disalah ertikan,
Bersuka ria lupakan YANG Esa.
Ketupat lemang menjadi hidangan,
Makanan tradisi di aidil fitri;
Syawal bererti menyambut kemenangan,
Setelah sebulan memperbaiki diri.
Majlis diraikan gilang gemilang,
Bersulam syair tuan puteri,
Halua telinga hadirin sekalian;
Bersama syawal yang bakal menjelang,
Maaf ku pinta seikhlas hati,
Kepada sahabat pengunjung budiman.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ia termaktub dalam hadith rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
“muaz’zin itu diampunkan baginya, sejauh mana laungan suaranya. Dan dia memperolehi pahala seperti pahala orang yang solat bersama dengannya”
Riwayat Abu dawud ibn Majah
Sumber: buku Amalan Anak Sallih
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Aku bersyukur kepadamu Ya Allah, karna dikurniakan nakhoda yang bijak mencari adunan bahan dalam melayani kerenah klasinya.
Ya, miski bahteraku tidaklah dilanda gelombang yang dahsyat, namun, andai ribut laut cina selatan tidak ditangani dengan berhemah, pasti ia jua memberi impak besar terhadap anak kapalnya.
Wahai Nakhodaku, sekalung tahniah ku ucapkan kepadamu, karna sehingga ke hari ini, kau masih mampu mempertahankan sebuah bahtera yang aman dan damai.
Tahniah jua ku ucapkan padamu, karna kau ku lihat kian akrab dengan rumah YANG MAHA PENCIPTA biar pun tubuhmu kepenatan.
Mudah-mudahan, setiap apa yang kau lakukan Nakhoda ku, akan memberi impak positif buat kami yang berpayung di bawahmu.
Terima kasih yang tak terhingga ku ungkapkan buat mu Nakhoda ku, karna terus-terusan cuba melakukan yang terbaik buat diri ini.
Inshaallah, sama-samalah kita berdoa dan berharap belas kasih dari DIA YANG MAHA AGUNG agar terus memberi cahaya kebahgian, rezki yang barakah, kesihatan yang baik, terhindar dari fitnah dunia dan akhirat, untuk kita terus berjaya dalam melangkah ke hari esok.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Buat hantaran untuk gadis pilihan;
Budaya apakah menjadi ikutan,
Bermain mercun di bulan Ramadhan?
Harum semerbak bunga kenanga,
Disunting oleh gadis rupawan,
Untuk hiasan di majlis keramaian;
Sedang makmum khushuk menelinga,
Suara imam mengalunkan alqur’an,
Dentuman mercun menggugat kedamaian.
Sungguh muaz'zin lonak suara,
Melafazkan azan beralun-alun,
Lantang berkumandang ke seluruh pekan;
Bukan seorang bukan dua,
Menjadi mangsa bermain mercun,
Mengapa tradisi mercun masih diteruskan?
Alqur’an dibaca jua difahami,
Kehidupan dilalui lebih arif,
Mudah ditangkis yang sukar yang sulit;
Wahai generasi muda bistari,
Anjakkan minda ke arah positif,
Tukarkan mercun kepada tasbih dan tahmit.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Aku? Pasti gembira. Ibu mana yang tak gembira bila melihat anak kecil sudah boleh menilai kehebatan tugas seorang Muazim, yang menyeru manusia ke arah kebaikan dan meninggalkan kejahatan.
Mungkin kesah ini tiada nilai bagi sesetengah orang, tapi tidak pada diriku. Karna bukan mudah untuk membentuk rasa kagum terhadap petugas-petugas masjid seperti Muazim, apatah lagi pada diri seorang anak kecil.
Mudah-mudahan perasaan-perasaan positif itu akan terus berkembang selari dengan matangnya usia Si Kecilku.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Anak saya, seperti juga anak-anak lain, amat menggemari nutella. Boleh dikatakan, setiap dua hari dia akan mengambilnya. Tetapi setelah saya ketahui bahawa nutella mengandungi lebih gula, dan bukannya hazelnut dan coco seperti yang diwawarkan, maka saya akan perlahan-lahan menghadkan pengambilannya oleh anak saya. Mengapa saya perlu mengurangkan pemgambilan nutella, kerana sebagaimana umum maklum, lebihan gula amat tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
Percaya atau tidak, pilihan di tangan sendiri.
Di bawah petikan nutella ingredients yang saya perolehi dari Foodwatch
Nutella. The full (correct) list of ingredients Have you ever tried to find
the exact list of ingredients for Nutella online? The identical one that appears
on its label - in descending order from the first (largest ingredient by weight)
to the last ingredient, as required by food law? Well, you won’t find it! Here’s
the hoop-la I went through to discover exactly what the ingredients in Nutella
are and why Nutella is not good for your kids.
The spin
You'd think that the official website would give the full listing of Nutella
ingredients, as well as the nutrition figures, in exactly the same way most
other food manufacturers do these days. For example, take a look at the
comprehensive Kellogg or Nestle sites where they detail everything. You may not
fancy all their products but they do provide detailed info on each and every
product including all ingredients, nutrition panel per 100g or per serve, and
possible allergens.
Not so Nutella. Here's all they tell you about what's in their iconic product:
Nutella contains hazelnuts, cocoa powder, skim milk powder, vegetable oil,
sugar, soy lecithin and vanillin
Yes these are the ingredients in Nutella but not in their correct order.
Nutella would like you to believe that their product is composed mainly of
hazelnuts and cocoa (two healthy-sounding ingredients). So they re-arrange the
true order to make a better impression. And leave out the percentage and the
correct additive names.
The true list
I actually had to purchase a jar of the stuff to find out the truth about the
Nutella ingredients. Once you're looking at the back of the label, you quickly
see - when forced by food law - what the product really is made from:
Sugar, vegetable oil, hazelnuts (13%), cocoa powder (7.4%), non-fat milk
solids, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavour (vanillin)
Its list of ingredients is very revealing. On the label, it MUST show them in
descending order by weight from the largest down to the smallest.
So now I know that the first (read main) ingredient is sugar (not hazelnuts),
followed by “vegetable oil” (not cocoa), then hazelnuts, then cocoa solids,
followed by non-fat milk solids, soy lecithin and vanilla flavour.
Conclusion No 1
Nutella is more sugar and fat than hazelnuts - its true content of hazelnuts is
low at only 13 per cent. Don’t be fooled by the advertising. Here’s what I’ve
unearthed about the ingredients. And it really took a bit of detective work.
Sugar is the first ingredient and thus the main by weight of all the Nutella
ingredients. In fact Nutella is 55 per cent sugar! That puts Nutella on a par
with chocolate.
Vegetable oil
The vegetable oil is palm oil, a semi-solid fat that’s needed to give Nutella
its spreadable texture. At least this was disclosed on the website (see below).
The manufacturer says they were using a hydrogenated oil until a couple of years
ago but switched to palm oil to cut back on the trans fat in 2006. Palm oil is
free of trans fat but is still high in saturated fat so it’s not good for you.
It’s a no-win oil choice that many manufacturers face.
Cocoa solids (or powder) gives Nutella its chocolatey taste.
Soy lecithin – a common emulsifier that keeps the sugar, oil, nuts and cocoa
nicely blended and stops them separating out during the months on the shelves.
Nothing sinister about it. It’s one of my safe additives. (Unless you’re
allergic to soy)
Flavour (vanillin)
This is not vanilla or vanilla extract such as you use at home. Vanillin, which
is most likely the synthetic form identical to the natural vanillin, but much
less expensive is the largest flavour component of the vanilla bean but much
less interesting.
Read what Wikipedia says about vanillin here
What’s not present
At least there’s no artificial colours or preservatives, no corn syrup and no
added salt.
Nutrition facts
To fill in the rest of the detail, here’s the part of Nutella nutrition panel
from the website which did coincide with the label:
Per 100g
Energy 2175kJ
Protein 7.3g
Fat, total 30.3g
Fat, saturated 10.0g
Carbohydrate, total 54.7g
Sugars 54.4g
Sodium 33 mg
Serve size is 20g which is one tablespoon – what you’d spread thinly on two
slices of bread.
Conclusion No 2:
Think of Nutella as chocolate in spreadable form. With 30 per cent fat and
almost 55 per cent sugar, Nutella almost mirrors chocolate in its composition.
In fact, Nutella is more akin to milk chocolate with hazelnuts for fat, sugar
and kilojoules, they're so close. See my comparison of the two weight for
weight: Nutella side by side with Cadbury Milk Chocolate with Hazelnuts.
Fat, total30.3g37.0g
Fat, saturated10.0g14.6g
Carb, total54.7g45.5g
% hazelnuts13%23
Did you notice that the chocolate block has 19% LESS sugar than Nutella and 23%
hazelnuts compared to Nutella at only 13%? Less sugar, more nuts!
Conclusion No 3:
Nutella provides very little in the way of good nutrition. Not much protein,
fibre, vitamins, minerals – the nutrients we are lacking. We don’t need more
sugar and fat.
Any good points? Yes. Nutella is low in sodium as are many sweet foods. And
it's a concentrated food that can increase kids' kilojoule intake easily if
they're the chronically-underweight type and already eat a well-balanced diet.
4 most-asked questions on Nutella
Q. Is Nutella healthier than peanut butter?
No. Nutella might be sold in the peanut butter aisle, but it isn't a nutritional
swap. Peanut butter has more protein, little sugar, healthy fat and vitamins.
It’s a decent protein for vegetarians. Most are 85 per cent peanuts (with some
oil and sugar) but you can buy 100 per cent peanut types.
Q. Is Nutella healthier than jam?
Not really. Nutella has 54 per cent sugar, jam and honey have around 60 to 70
per cent. But Nutella slaps on 30 per cent fat, while they have none. The
nearest equivalent to Nutella on toast is peanut butter topped with honey on
toast. Then it’s the same for sugar and fat.
Q. Is the suggested kids breakfast of fruit, Nutella on two slices of toast and
low-fat milk a decent breakfast for kids?
Nope. You know it's not the healthiest breakfast to send your kids off the
school with. It never has been and never will be. It’s just Nutella on toast
“enhanced” to look better by the fruit and milk and white high-fibre bread.
Best bet: If you are going to give the kids the occasional piece of toast with
Nutella, don't use butter or margarine and spread it on wholegrain bread rather
than low-fibre white bread.
Q. Is Nutella really low GI?
Yes. But so are things like sausages, corn chips and chocolate cake – usually
thanks to their fat content which slows down the rate of digestion and
absorption in your system (see the GI Website for more info). However, just
because something has a low GI doesn’t necessarily make it a healthy choice.
Would you give your kids corn chips and chocolate cake for breakfast?
Simply slapping on a “low GI” claim doesn’t make something healthier overall. If
you believed the ads, you’d think that chocolatey-hazelnut spread was the health
food of a nation and the perfect breakfast toast topper. It ain’t!
The bottom line
Why try to make out something is healthy when it’s not? And clearly not, when
you look at the true list of Nutella ingredients. Just accept Nutella for the
chocolatey treat it is! Have it on toast, croissant or crepes. It’s a good case
of clever marketing that highlights the few positives — and says nothing about
the bad things.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Kuih Cucur:
*1 cawan tepung beras
*1 cawan tepung gandum
*1 pertiga cawan gula putih
*2 pertiga cawan gula merah
*1 cawan air biasa
Cara Membuatnya:
*kacaukan kesemua bahan-bahan tadi sehingga sebati dan sehingga hancur gula merah
*biarkan selama 2 hingga 3 jam
*kemudian gorengkan di dalam kuali dengan menggunakan minyak, tidak terlalu banyak dan tidak terlalu sedikit atau letakkan minyak seperti mana menggoreng telur mata kerbau/lembu
*gunakan api yang kecil sahaja
*letakkan ke dalam kuali dengan menggunakan senduk kecil, sesenduk demi sesenduk
Nota: gunakan cawan yang sama saiz untuk kesemua bahan-bahan
Sumber: dari ibu mertua
Saturday, August 13, 2011
*5 biji telur ayam
*setengah mug santan pekat
*1 keping manisan kecil/setengah biji gula kabung/1 cup gula merah
Potongkan bahan-bahan ini kecil-kecil agar mudah hancur
Cara-cara membuat:
*pecahkan telur
*masukkan bahan pemanis di atas
Kacau sehingga hancur
*masukkan santan pekat
*kacaukan kesemua bahan sehingga sebati
*kemudian tapiskan bahan-bahan yang telah dikacau tadi ke dalam loyang kecil
*kukus selama 1 jam
Note: telur hendaklah dikacau dan bukannya dipukul kerana tidak mahu telur menjadi kembang
Sumber: dari bonda tercinta.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Dalam masa lapan hari ni, anakku baru 3 hari berpuasa penuh. Sebenarnya dia bukanlah tak tahan berpuasa, tapi lebih kepada tak tahan melihat bila ada kenkawan kecilnya yang makan atau minum sewaktu di dalam ven sekolah.
Setiap hari tiba di rumah, ada saja perkhabaran darinya yang dia dah makan atau minum semasa dalam ven.
Terkadang angin juga aku, kerana jam telah melepasi 4.00 petang. Rasa terkilan, sebab dia batalkan puasanya hanya kerana tak tahan melihat air yang dibawa oleh kawan. Bila aku marah, dia menjawab bahawa nafsunya yang suruh. Sabar ajelah hati.
So, demi memelihara puasanya, mulai semalam, aku tidak lagi membenarkan dia menaiki ven sekolah untuk tempoh bulan ramadhan ni.
Untuk tidak memenatkan dia, suamiku telah meminta jasa baik customernya yang juga guru sekolah anakku membawa dia pulang.
Alhamdulillah, puasanya semalam sukses biarpun tenaganya di akhir-akhir waktu sudah tinggal 1 bar.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Top 5 Tips For Good Hair Care - Mag For Women Beauty
© Daniel Garcia |
Have you been unhappy over your tresses recently? Don’t spend too much time
fretting and pouring over beauty magazines for hair care tips. We have some
great handy tips for hair care that will put your search for shiny, manageable
hair to an end.
1. Condition, condition, condition
We can’t stress enough on the importance of conditioning your hair! To make sure
that moisture is retained in your hair to last you for a few days, a pound sized
amount of conditioner applied every time you shampoo will do wonders to your
2. Have a great diet
Protein is critical for your hair. Instead of applying egg yolks and cucumber
mashes on your head, why not include them in your diet? There is no hair product
in the world that can nourish the way natural supplements can.
3. Be consistent with your hair products
Who doesn’t like to try out new hair care products in the market? We know it is
tempting ladies. But if you keep flipping your brands too often, your hair is
going to get the whipping for it. Be consistent with any hair care product you
4. Steam your hair occasionally
This might need you to go to the salon, but once you get it done, you’ll feel
great ladies. Steaming will open up and relax the follicles of your hair,
helping them to rejuvenate. A sauna should work perfectly well.
5. Use hair serum only when needed
We know ladies that hair serums are a great, instant way to untangle your hair
and bring a quick shine on them, but don’t fall into the trap of getting
addicted to serums. It will make your hair brittle and fragile in the long run.
7 Tips For Having Good Hair Days Always
© Mathom |
Many women dread bad hair days more than anything else. When you wake up in the
morning on a bad hair day, it is like you are living this horrible nightmare and
you wish you could go back to sleep. Any amount of hair spray doesn’t seem to
work, and finally you tie your hair into this untidy bun and leave. It is not
possible to have a good hair day almost everyday, right? Wrong! You can surely
have an absolutely good manageable hair day almost daily with a few take care
tips from us. Here are 8 tips to have beautiful hair day in day out.
1. Keep it covered while travelling
When you’re walking on the roads, your hair is prone to accumulate dust.
Similarly smoke and the pollution in the atmosphere is really bad for your
beautiful locks. As a result, you have to wash your hair almost everyday. Skip
the nonsense and tie your hair into a bun or tie a scarf around your head to
cover your hair while traveling.
2. Avoid the sun
The harmful rays of the sun can cause your hair to turn grey before time and
sometimes lead to breakage. Hence, as far as possible, avoid the afternoon sun.
If you have to step out in the afternoon, carry an umbrella, wear a hat or cover
your hair using a scarf.
3. Wash it regularly
Dirty, heavy hair and an oily scalp don’t look good at all. Apart from the fact
that it is unhygienic, not washing your hair regularly can also cause breakage.
The first step to beautiful hair is clean hair. So, see that you wash your hair
4. Use a good conditioner
Many a times, women tend to skip the conditioner routine after they shampoo.
However, this causes your hair to become rough and difficult to manage. A good
conditioner makes it so much easier. Always condition your hair ends after you
shampoo and see the difference.
5. Take special care of damp hair
Damp hair is most prone to breakage. So, special care needs to be taken when
your hair is damp. First, dry it properly using a towel. Once it is in a dried
state, you can untangle the knots. Use a wide toothed comb or your fingers to do
so. Using a normal comb will break your hair. Also, untangle the knots in your
hair carefully; don’t carelessly pull out the knots. Handle them in a delicate
6. Don’t stress
No amount of hair routine is enough if you are not happy from the inside. Stress
is one of the leading reasons for hair fall and untimely greying. Take up
meditation or yoga to get rid of the negativity around you. Keep yourself
constantly occupied doing something that you like, be it reading,
writing or something else.
7. Eat healthy
The food you consume has a lot of impact on your hair. Avoid junk, as it does
not help you at any cost. Instead switch to healthy food like vegetables and
fruits. Replace white bread and white rice to brown bread and brown rice. Also
see that you consume lots of nuts and grains. A healthy diet will result in
healthy and beautiful hair naturally.
These are simple tips to have beautiful hair daily. Beautiful hair is not a
day’s work, it is a process. Make it a routine to take special care of your
hair. Treat them well and you will find them glowing beautifully. However treat
them bad and they will look as bad as ever.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Biar pun saya tidak bergaul rapat dengan gulungan ini, namun Allah itu maha kaya, lalu secara tidak sengaja telah beberapa kali diketemukan dengan orang-orang normal yang digelar (PENARIK) INI.
Pertama kali bertemu orang-orang ini, soalan pertama yang dikemukakan kepada saya:
“tak guna penarik?”
Kerana tak faham saya bertanya lanjut. Dengan bersemangat dan bangga mereka (penarik) bercerita tentang pekerjaannya dan hasil yang bakal diperolehi penarik dan orang yang ditarik.
Pernah saya diketemukan dengan seorang yang dulunya penarik dan kini sudah buka business sendiri hasil pekerjaannya sebagai penarik.
Bagi saya ketidak puasan masyarakat umum terhadap gulungan pengemis OKU pengealihatan dan penarik ini ada asasnya.
Mana tidaknya, kebanyakan penderma tidak semampu gulungan di atas yang masing-masing mempunyai lebih dari sebuah HP berjenama dan laptop yang mahal harganya. Keluhan sebegini sering disuarakan sendiri oleh beberapa customer yang melewati pusat Ideal Reflexology.
Secara peribadi, saya langsung tidak bersetuju pekerjaan di atas diteruskan. Bagi saya, ianya boleh dilakukan hanya oleh OKU pengelihatan yang tua, wanita buta yang punya ramai tanggungan atau lelaki buta yang daif fizikalnya.
Tetapi amat menyedihkan kerna masa kini, pekerjaan di atas dipelopori oleh lelaki-lelaki buta yang tegap fisikal, wanita-wanita buta yang masih muda, dan ditarik oleh minah-minah seberang yang sedang meningkat dewasa serta lelaki-lelaki sasa.
Wahai gulungan senasibku, ingatlah, meminta sedekah hanya boleh dilakukan untuk menyempurnakan asas kehidupan, dan bukan untuk bermewah-mewah.
Cukuplah di dunia kita kekurangan, jangan sampai nanti, di sana, kita dipandang hina oleh YANG MAHA PENCIPTA.
Maaf, andai tulisan ini tidak disenangi oleh gulungan senasib.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Note: Photo di atas tiada kena mengena dengan suasana cerita di bawah. sekadar penyeri posting.
Selesai sehari kita bertemu ramadhan. Mudah-mudahan hari ini akan lebih baik dari semalam. Inshaallah.
Tapi aku? Ah! Aku gagal lagi mempertahankan puasa anakku semalam. Aku terlalu lemah dalam menghadapi rintihan sayunya.
Semalam, pulang dari sekolah, dengan lemah longlai, dia memohon seteguk air diriku. Namun aku masih bertahan dengan memandikannya lantas menidurkan dia.
Namun hatiku jadi tersentuh, bila dalam tidur-tidur ayamnya, dia memohon seteguk air. Demi melawan rasa sayuku, aku lantas meninggalkannya.
Setengah jam kemudian, dia tersedar. Masih dengan nada yang sama, tapi kali ini ayat agak berbeza.
"ma, tolonglah, seteguk aje. Kemudian saya puasa kembali. Saya dah tak ada airliur nak telan."
Mendengar kata-katanya, aku tersenyum. Mungkin geram dengan senyumanku, dia diam.
15 minit kemudian, aku menjenguk lagi ke katilnya. Bila tanganku menyentuh badannya, aku dapati suhu badannya mula berbahang. Lantas aku sentuh bahagian perutnya, oh, panasnya.
Kenapa aku sentuh bahagian perut, kerana menurut seorang doktor Physician, jika kita tidak punya thermometer, untuk mengetahui seseorang itu demam atau tidak, sentuhlah dibahagian perutnya. Kerana bahagian perut agak mudah mengeluarkan panas sebaenar dari dalam.
Kerana tidak mahu demamnya berlarutan, aku lantas mengejutkannya, lalu memberi segelas air.
Setelah minum air, aku menyuruh dia makan, tetapi dia enggan dengan alasan badannya hanya memerlukan air saja. Untuk makan, dia masih boleh tahan sampai maghrib.
Puas juga aku menerangkan padanya, bahawa puasanya tetap terbatal walau pun hanya minum air.
Setelah berbuka, panas badannya masih tidak turun, terpaksalah aku memberinya ubat demam.
Sebenarnya, untuk bangun sahur, dia tidak bermasalah. Karna dihari-hari biasa pun, dia bangun jam 5 untuk bersolat subuh di masjid. Entahlah, setakat ni Alhamdulillah, dia gemar ke masjid tempat kami, miski perginya ke masjid kerana ada imam yang dia suka. Mana tidaknya, berkebetulan, imam tu memang suka melayan budak-budak, so, anakku apa lagi. Minat habislah kat imam tu.
Pagi tadi, sesudah makan, aku masih memberinya ubat demam, kerana selsemanya masih bersisa.
Mudah-mudahan hari ini anakku mampu menyempurnakan puasanya.