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Thursday, April 24, 2014

How should 100% extra virgin olive oil be stored?

Cuba baca article dibawah.  Mudah-mudahan kita dapat sedikit ilmu bagaimana menyimpan minyak zaitun/olive oil.  Dengan cara penyimpanan yang betul, kita akan dapat menikmati segala kebaikan yang terdapat di dalamnya dengan semaximum yang mungkin.  Inshaallah.

Proper storage techniques for olive oil are very important, not only to preserve the delicate taste of the oil, but also to ensure that it does not spoil and become rancid, which will have a negative effect on its nutritional profile.

Even though olive oil's monounsaturated fats are more stable and heat-resistant than the polyunsaturated fats that predominate in other oils (especially the easily damaged omega-3 fatty acids found in flax seed oil, which should always be refrigerated and never heated), olive oil should be stored properly and used within 1-2 months to ensure its healthy phytonutrients remain intact and available. Research studies have shown compromise in the nutritional quality of olive oil after two months' period of time, even when the oil was properly stored.

Proper storage of olive oil includes protection from light. There is debate about the ideal type of storage container. Tinted glass bottles are one of the best storage options for preventing unwanted contamination of the olive oil with packaging materials (as might occur, for example, with the use of dark plastic bottles in which very small amounts of plastic might migrate from the bottle into the oil). However, depending upon the degree and type of glass tinting, exposure to all light might not be prevented with the use of tinted glass. Metal containers for olive oil storage are also an option, although it is unclear about the potential for olive oil to be affected by the metal elements in the container. The transfer of olive oil to a sealed ceramic container is also an option. If you decide to purchase olive oil in a tinted glass bottle, we recommend that you store it in a lightproof area, like a cabinet with solid doors or closed pantry. If you decide to purchase in either plastic or metal containers, you may want to take the additional step of moving the oil into a ceramic container that can be sealed. If you aren't sure how quickly you will be using your olive oil, you may want to buy it in small-size amounts to avoid the problems that can arise with longer-term storage.

Purchase only as much as you will use in one to two months and store away from light and heat. Protect your olive oil's flavor and antioxidants by transferring 7 to 10 days' worth of oil to a smaller bottle to lessen the oxidation that occurs when the oil is exposed to air. Leave this small bottle at room temperature for easy use, but refrigerate the rest. When chilled, olive oil will solidify slightly and turn cloudy, but once restored to room temperature, it will regain its normal appearance, and its quality will be better maintained. Although it may be convenient, definitely don't store your olive oil near the stove as the heat will damage it.

Copyright © 2014 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved
George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165

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