Menurut therapist Miza, seorang pengamal reflexology di Pusat
Reflexology Ideal, melalui pengalamannya, masalah vertigo Inshaallah boleh diatasi
dengan melakukan urutan refleksologi.
Jangkamasa penyembuhan adalah bergantung kepada kesiriosan masalah
vertigo yang dialami oleh seseorang.
Menurut beliau lagi, dalam soal selidiknya terhadap pelangggan-pelanggannya
yang mengalami vertigo, kebanyakan mereka adalah pengambilan tegar minuman yang
tinggi cafin seperti, air berkabornat, neskafe, dan coklat hitam.
Di bawah ini saya lampirkan artikal berkaitan vertigo. Mudah-mudahan posting saya ini dapat memberi sedikit
ilmu baru buat mereka yang belum mengalami masalah vertigo.
Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness, the patient feels that
all around him is
moving or spinning. Vertigo is usually caused by an inner
ear problem, but may
also be linked to some kind of eyesight problem.
Most of us have the occasional dizzy spell; vertigo is
different. Vertigo is a
persistent sense of motion, a feeling of tilting, swaying,
spinning, when
nothing is moving. The sensations are typically accompanied
by sweating,
vomiting and nausea.
People with vertigo often feel that things around them are
moving when they are
standing completely still.
Vertigo is medically different from dizziness,
lightheadedness, and
unsteadiness. Lay people commonly use the terms dizziness
and vertigo
indistinctly. If this happens, it is important for a doctor
to determine exactly
what the patient is trying to describe.
Doctors say that vertigo is more severe than dizziness,
which commonly happens
when a person stands up and feels light-headed. People with
vertigo may find it
harder to move around because the spinning sensation tends
to affect balance.
"Vertigo" is often used, incorrectly, to describe
the fear of heights, but the
correct term for this is acrophobia. The medical term
vertigo can occur at any
time and may last for days, weeks, months, and even years,
while acrophobia
symptoms only occur only when the person is high up and
looking down. However,
vertigo is so commonly used 'incorrectly' by lay people that
it would be naive
today to say it only has one meaning.
What are the symptoms of vertigo?
The patient may feel that his/her surroundings seem to be
moving either
vertically or horizontally. There may also be a sensation of
spinning. Sometimes
the feeling may be so slight that it is hardly noticeable.
However, for some
people the severity of symptoms makes it hard to keep
balance and carry out
everyday tasks.
A bout of vertigo can last from a few minutes to several
days, and sometimes
much longer. The following symptoms are possible:
A sensation that
everything around you is moving or spinning
Loss of balance
Problems walking
Problems standing
still properly
Blurred vision
What are the causes of vertigo?
Vertigo can be caused by a problem with the balance
mechanisms of the inner ear,
a problem with the brain, or a problem with the nerves that
connect the brain to
the middle ear.
Inflammation of the
labyrinth, a system of canals and cavities within the
inner ear which
gives us our sense of balance. The sudden onset of a feeling
of vertigo caused by
labirynthitis is triggered by head or body movement, and
is usually accompanied
by a feeling of nausea and malaise.
Written by Christian Nordqvist
Original article date: 12th August 2009. Article updated:
18th September 2012.
Copyright: Medical News Today
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