assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
mudah-mudahan di laman yang tak seindahnya ini dapat memberi munafaat miski secebis cuma. inshaallah.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sebagaimana yang kita maklum,  setiap apa yang dicipta Allah di muka bumi ini, pasti ada kebaikannya.  Kalau tidak kepada manusia,  ianya bermunafaat buat tumbuh-tumbuhan mau pun alam sekitar.


Apatah lagi jika sesuatu itu menjadi sunnah rasullullah SAW.  Contohnya buah tin/figs.  Bila ianya sudah menjadi diet harian baginda,  pasti kelengkapan nutrisinya tidak boleh dipertikaikan lagi.


Mengikut pengalaman blogger yang kerdil ini, setelah beberapa minggu dijadikan diet harian keluarga, selain dari kandungan nutrisi yang menakjubkan, ianya terlalu baik untuk pembuangan angin.


Anak blogger tidak lagi mengadu susah K E N T U T dan mengalami kembong.  Kalau sebelum ini, dia amat mudah diserang kembong perut, jika tersilap  makan.


Baegitu juga terhadap diri blogger sendiri, terasa badan lebih bebas dari dikuasai angin dan perut tidak lagi mengandungi asid berlebihan.


Nota:  *buah tin ada beberapa saiz;  kecil, sedang, dan besar

*lingkungan harga di pasaran Malaysia:  rm 30  hingga rm 35 1 kilogram.



Rujuk artikal di bawah untuk maklumat hasiat buah tin dari cik google:


Health Benefits

Help Lower High Blood Pressure

Figs are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure. Since many people not only do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, but do consume high amounts of sodium as salt is frequently added to processed foods, they may be deficient in potassium. Low intake of potassium-rich foods, especially when coupled with a high intake of sodium, can lead to hypertension.


In the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study, one group ate servings of fruits and vegetables in place of snacks and sweets, and also ate low-fat dairy food. This diet delivered more potassium, magnesium and calcium.


Another group ate a "usual" diet low in fruits and vegetables with a fat content like that found in the average American Diet. After eight weeks, the group that ate the enhanced diet lowered their blood pressure by an average of 5.5 points (systolic) over 3.0 points (diastolic).


A Sweet Way to Lose Weight Figs are a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber and fiber-rich foods may have a positive effect on weight management. In one study, women who increased their fiber intake with supplements significantly decreased their energy intake, yet their hunger and satiety scores did not change. Figs, like other high fiber foods, may be helpful in a weight management program.


Fruit and Cereal Fiber Protective against Postmenopausal Breast CancerResults of a prospective study involving 51,823 postmenopausal women for an average of 8.3 years showed a 34% reduction in breast cancer risk for those consuming the most fruit fiber compared to those consuming the least. In addition, in the subgroup of women who had ever used hormone replacement, those consuming the most fiber, especially cereal fiber, had a 50% reduction in their risk of breast cancer compared to those consuming the least. Int J Cancer. 2008

Jan 15;122(2):403-12.


Fruits richest in fiber include apples, dates, figs, pears and prunes. When choosing a high fiber cereal, look for whole grain cereals as they supply the most bran (a mere 1/3rd cup of bran contains about 14 grams of fiber).


An Insulin-Lowering Leaf in Diabetes You probably do not think about the leaves of the fig tree as one of fig's edible parts. But in some cultures, fig leaves are a common part of the menu, and for good reason. The leaves of the fig have repeatedly been shown to have antidiabetic properties and can actually reduce the amount of insulin needed by persons with diabetes who require insulin injections. In one study, a liquid

extract made from fig leaves was simply added to the breakfast of insulin-dependent diabetic subjects in order to produce this insulin-lowering effect.


Bone Density Promoter

Figs are a fruit source of calcium (79 milligrams in an 8 oz-wt serving), a mineral that has many functions including promoting bone density. Additionally, figs' potassium may also counteract the increased urinary calcium loss caused by the high-salt diets typical of most Americans, thus helping to further prevent bones from thinning out at a fast rate.


Cardiovascular Effects

In animal studies, fig leaves have been shown to lower levels of triglycerides (a form in which fats circulate in the bloodstream), while in in vitro studies, fig leaves inhibited the growth of certain types of cancer cells. Researchers have not yet determined exactly which substances in fig leaves are responsible for these remarkable healing effects.


Besides their potassium and fiber content, figs emerged from our food ranking system as a good source of the trace mineral manganese.


Dipetik dari:  WH food

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How do organic foods compare to non-organic foods in terms of nourishment?

From a research standpoint, I believe that scientific comparisons of organic and non-organic foods show the clear benefits of organic. However, I also recognize that there are a relatively limited number of studies in this area and that the results have been controversial. Virginia Worthington, as part of her doctoral dissertation at John Hopkins University analyzed (and later published) 41 existing studies that compared organic to non-organic foods. On average, she determined the organic foods to contain:


o                               27% more vitamin C

o                               21.1% more iron

o                               29.3% more magnesium

o                               13.6% more phosphorus

In her review, she also noted that while five servings of organically grown vegetables (lettuce, spinach, carrots, potatoes, and cabbage) provided the daily recommended intake of vitamin C for men and women, their conventionally grown counterparts did not. Organically grown foods were also found to contain, on average, about 5% less nitrates than conventionally grown foods. While nitrates have not been conventionally spotlighted as toxic risk factors in food, they nevertheless appear (in the 216th spot) on the 2007 CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances as published by the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This review of organic foods also determined them to be lower in protein than their non-organic counterparts but to contain higher quality protein in terms of amino acid composition.


·                     Other studies on organic versus non-organic foods have found fewer statistical differences between their nutrient content, and in some cases, greater amounts of some nutrients in non-organic versus organic foods. These studies also typically show large amounts of variability in the nutrient contents of different foods, both organic and non-organic.


·                     From my perspective, it makes sense that certain crops, grown under certain very favorable environmental circumstances, would be likely to show greater concentrations of certain nutrients than other crops grown under less favorable environmental circumstances, even if non-organic farming methods were used in their cultivation. Basic patterns in sunlight, rainfall, temperature, and other factors would always remain critical in the final chemical composition of the foods. For this reason, when I consider the research as a whole, I believe it clearly shows the nutritional advantages of organically grown versus non-organically grown food.


·                     In a study reviewing data sets gathered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, researchers found that in a comparison of 8 fruits and 12 vegetables, 73% of the non-organic crops were found to contain pesticide residues, in comparison with 6-27% of organic crops (depending on the exact crops that were compared). For some non-organic fruits (apples, peaches, pears, and strawberries) and for one non-organic vegetable (celery), over 90% of the non-organic food samples showed pesticide residues.


·                     Additionally, 12-62% of the non-organic crops were found to contain multiple pesticide residues, and in some cases as many as 14 different pesticide residues. In the case of organic crops, this range was only 1-7%. About two-thirds of the time, a lower quantity of the pesticide levels was found in organic versus non-organic foods.




·                     Copyright © 2012 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MAB Strategic Plan

Hai komuniti blind,  jum kita lihat apa perancangan Dato'President bersama ahli council yang lain.


Mudah-mudahan,  ianya akan memberi impak positif kepada masyarakat blind pada keseluruhannya.




"As requested, I would like to briefly go through the MAB Strategic
Plan which was approved by the Council at the end of 2011, but only
recently officially announced through the media.

It must be remembered that over the years MAB has been evolving in
response to various needs of the time, and there never was any
elaborate forward planning to develop the organisation that will
simultaneously promote the very cause of its existence - the
well-being of the BVI. Being a professionally trained social planner,
I felt that something more tangible should be put in place in the form
of a medium-term development plan. When I became the MAB President I
began to work on it.

The MAB Strategic Plan embraces 12 major objectives and fixes the year
2020 as the target, although each objective has its own time-frame for
completion. I shall list each one of them, followed by some
explanation and/or updating:

1.   "MAB shall be the premier organisation on visual impairment" -
Although it is the first on the list it will be the last to be fully
achieved, ie only after all the remaining objectives have been

2.   "MAB shall be the custodian of facts and figures on visual
impairment" - A research unit will be set up to collect data on visual
impairment from all over. A researcher has already been appointed
recently and work on it has started.

3.   "MAB shall set up branches in all States of Malaysia" - So far
MAB does not have any branch although it serves the whole country.
With branches in the states (except Sabah and Sarawak) we hope to
provide services more accessible to the BVI as they will be available
in every state.

4.   "MAB shall upgrade the training facilities to college level" -
this refers to the GTC. Work has already been started by assessing its
capability for the eventual change, targeted for 2014.

5.   "MAB shall mobilise all its physical assets"  - We now have
assets in KL, Temerloh, Ipoh and JB. In KL we have 193 and the Wisma
MAB, both are planned for redevolopment; Taman Harapan is all set
except for the necessary funding to begin construction; we have
already started a rehabilitation course at Kinta Valley Workshop in
July and other services will follow. An eye clinic will also be set up
there soon; similar services will be placed in JB after some initial
renovation work.

6.   "MAB shall acquire new physical assets" - We need similar assets
elsewhere in order to provide services to the BVI. We have just been
given a piece of land in Kota Baru Kelantan that is intended to
provide training and other services, plus an eye clinic.

7.   "MAB shall harness the potentials of the private sector" -
Obviously we need all forms of support including financing and job
opportunities from all sectors.

8.   "MAB shall engage in full production and distribution of Braille
materials" - Considering the lack of Braille materials in schools and
universities, we hope to fill the gap quickly to provide a level
playing field.

9.   "MAB shall be the sole distributor for all forms of assistive
devices" -We hope to get the dealership of all such materials in order
to benefit the BVI through its non-profit status.

10.  "MAB shall run enterprises to benefit the BVI" - The current MAB
Shoppes in Mid Valley and Kinrara-Giant will be a part of the MAB
franchise system that is being developed. We hope to set up many such
outlets throughout the country, thereby providing employment
opportunities to those qualified in the trade. There are many other
ventures in the pipeline, and the one already in place is the

11.  "THONEH shall set up at least 10 satellites clinics" - This is
obvious as the preventive and remedial work.

12.  "NIOS shall establish a full-pledged university producing
eye-care professionals" - The National Institute of Ophthalmic
Sciences is currently producing optometrists and specialised nursing
staff. We are already starting to move towards this direction.

You will appreciate that the above are basic Plan that require a
considerable fine-tuning process. A lot of consultation will be
conducted and here the BVI will play an important role for their
invaluable inputs. But please wait for it. We will tackle them one by

My presidency ends next year and I like to place a solid foundation
for uninterrupted development. Therefore, please no more distractions
and waste of energy so that we can all move forward according to plan.





Dipetik dari:  MAB cyber club mailing list

Friday, September 14, 2012


Tulisan ini tidak berpihak kepada mana-mana.  Ianya sekadar pemerhatian saya dari jauh.


Saya kira sekalung pujian wajar kita, masyarakat blind berikan kepada Dato' President MAB,(Dato' Abdullah Baginda).


Kenapa saya kata sedemikian?:

*beliau dengan rela hati turut aktif dalam mailing list kelolaan club cyber MAB.


*beliau bermurah hati meluangkan masa  menjawab beberapa persoalan yang ditimbulkan lister dalam mailing list tersebut.


*dari cara beliau menjawab persoalan dalam program dialog lalu,  tternyata beliau seorang yang penyabar, lembut tapi tegas serta benar-benar berminat dengan apa yang sedang beliau ceburi kini.


Saya kira ketidak puasanhati terjadi mungkin disebabkan tiada komunikasi antara pihak council MAB dan masyarakat blind.  Ia juga disebabkan mungkin ketidaktelusan tindak tanduk seorang dua ahli council.


Apa pun saya secara peribadi, berbangga punya seorang president yang boleh diajak berbincang, melalui cyber mau pun pertemuan secara nyata.   Beliau juga masih boleh menjaga pena untuk tidak menyinggung mana-mana pihak.


Di bawah saya lampirkan sebahagian tulisan beliau yang menunjukkan kebertanggungjawaban  beliau  sebagai ketua organisasi.  Tulisan di bawah saya petik dari mailing list club cyber MAB.



"I would like to thank you all for expressing your concern over the
affairs of MAB. I would have responded earlier but I had to follow
doctor's orders that I take complete rest at the hospital and at home.
Now that I am reasonably well again, I feel obliged to write in order
to enlighten you over your various concerns.


To many of you, I am only a name or a person who was elected President
of MAB in 2010. But I am more than just that. For the last 60 years I
have been involved in dealing with the welfare of people, including
the disabled. Some of the old-timers among the BVI might recall our
encounters in different parts of the country. However, I became more
involved with work for the BVI since 1987.


Someone had mentioned Major Bridges. Well, he is not just a name to me
because I knew him personally as I first met him at the Social Welfare
Headquarters in Batu Road KL in 1953. I know the full history of MAB.


I heard a lot of complaints during the meeting on 29/8, and where
remedial actions were required, they were attended to as soon as
feasible. I took the trouble to explain several issues that were
brought up by the BVI present. Unfortunately there were some errors in
the presentation of facts from the Council, and for this I apologise
on behalf of the Council. I am aware that this mishap had further
aggravated the unhappiness among you.


MAB, as a legally registered organisation, is governed by its
constitution and for operational purposes, rules and regulations are
put in place in order to ensure the proper conduct of the
organisation, including financial management. Please be assured that
everything is done by the book. Just the same, because there is now an
accusation of cronyism, we are looking into this matter seriously, and
should it turn out to be true, we shall take appropriate action.


I do not wish to go into detail in dealing with your complaints
because I have answered most of them at the meeting. I would rather
deal with principle issues. I would like to convey a message in the
following saying, "What seems need not be". I give you the example of
the old place at 193. Earlier this year you saw a dilapidated and
abandoned set of buildings rotting away and becoming an eyesore, and
now it has become a car park. You know very well that that piece of
land is not meant for a car park. So, why did the MAB Council decide
to do that? Has the Council as a body gone mad? Don't you want to
know? OK let me tell you. That car park is only for a short period
while we are preparing the blue-print for a multi-storey building that
will house training and other facilities for the BVI !!!


Please give some credit to the MAB Council, for surely they are not
there to do as they please. I, for one, have established a reputation
of being a 'no-nonsense' creature and so far I have not blemished
myself in any way, nor do I intend to do so now !


I know that some of you may not agree with what I am saying and even
find more reasons to hit at me. You are at liberty to do so. But I
sincerely hope that the statement above will make you ponder and
approach whatever issues in future with a cool head. If you are not
sure, please ask. I would appeal to you to address whatever you are unhappy about directly to me in a civilised manner.


Naturally I cannot attend to everyone, and to get around it I always
make it a practice to meet the BVI as often as practical, and please
make time to be there so that I can meet you face to face. I find
great satisfaction in face-to-face interactions rather than writing in

Yours sincerely,



Sama-samalah kita berdoa dan memberi sokongan agar apa yang dituliskan di atas,  akan menjadi kenyataan.


Semoga Dato' President sukses membawa perubahan dalam pentadbiran MAB dan secara tak langsung akan membawa impak positif kepada masyarakat blind Malaysia.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


How can I tell whether an egg is bad both before and after cracking it?


I don't recommend using appearance alone as your egg safety test. Particularly with respect to an egg that has been cracked open, there can be a good number of discolorations in the white or yolk that do not represent food safety concerns. However, with that context in mind, there are certain types of egg inspection techniques that make sense when trying to determine whether an egg has gone bad.


First, I would look to ensure that there are no cracks in the shell. If there are cracks, I would dispose of the egg.


Once you have cracked the shell, smell the egg and see if it smells fine. If not, I would throw it away. If the raw white of the egg has turned pinkish, green, or black, you should also definitely toss out the egg.



In terms of determining quality from an uncracked egg, in his classic book, On Food and Cooking (Scribners, 2004, Revised Updated Edition) Harold McGee discusses how better quality eggs have smaller air cells; he notes that in a fresh egg, the space is about 1/8-inch deep and has the diameter of a dime. To test the size without cracking it, he writes that you should put the whole egg in a bowl of water; if the air cell is much larger than the size noted above, the wide end of the egg will rise above the narrow end. If your egg does this, it would then be a reflection that it is not that fresh.


McGee's freshness test is also related to a long-time folklore belief about the degree to which an egg will float in water. According to this belief, a spoiled egg will float all the way up to the surface but a safe egg will not.


While this belief is not completely accurate, it does harbor one important element of truth. If the pores in an eggshell have become sufficiently large, or if the shell has been cracked, it is possible not only for air but also for additional bacteria to enter into the egg, become metabolically active, and create gas inside the eggshell. This additional gas could cause the egg to be more buoyant. (However, other factors could also cause the egg to float, including simple transfer of air through larger pores, even if no bacteria had migrated into the egg.)


The bottom line: you may want to try the float test for fun or the "wide end up" float test for freshness. But to determine an egg's safety, judge by the smell and discoloration of the opened egg as described above and notice if there are cracks in the shell of the unopened egg.



Copyright © 2012 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Seperti biasa,  saya mohon maaf, andai catatan ini berkemungkinan mencalarkan hati mana-mana individu.  Percayalah, catatan ini sekadar meluahkan apa yang terpendam di dalam kotak minda blogger sahaja.


***semenjak dua tiga  bulan kebelakangan ini,  terasa informasi aktiviti PERTIS semakin jauh dari pengaetahuan peribadi saya.  Kalau sebelum ini,  informasi aktiviti pertubuhan ini tersebar luas di alam maya,  lantas menyebabkan saya yang tinggal jauh dipedalaman pun berjaya meng-accessnya,  dan terkadang turut sama dapat meraikan.  Tapi kini, ia seolah-olah sepi tiada khabar.


Dek kerana ingin tahu akan perkembangan semasa aktiviti pertubuhan tersebut,  saya cuba dile perkhidmatan answering machine yang disediakan,  namun hampa.  Kemudian saya cuba pula menyulusuri laman sesawangnya, namun apa yang saya dapati tarikh akhir kemaskini ialah 23 Julai 2012.


Melihatkan situasi ini,  tertanya dihati saya,  apakah tiada aktiviti yang dijalankan,  atau mungkinkah informasi aktiviti hanya tersebar melalui mulut ke mulut (rakan rapat) atau disampaikan kepada mereka yang bertaut hp sahaja.


Kalau itu terjadi,  maka,  tersisihlah saya yang tinggal di hujung negeri untuk sesekali turun padang untuk sama-sama meraikan  aktivitipertubuhan, atau paling tidak,  dijadikan input sebagai sebahagian dari komuniti.


Dengan kemudahan teknologi masa kini, seharusnya pihak pertubuhan dapat menggunakan peluang seluas-luasnya untuk mendampingi sebahagian besar komuniti blind islam Malaysia.  Dan begitulah sebaliknya,  kami akan lebih mengenali pertubuhan,  maka dengan sendirinya, menarik minat ramai blind islam untuk menjadi ahli pertubuhan.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Baru-baru ini, 29, Ogos, bersamaan Rabu, telah berlangsung satu sesi dialog antara komuniti blind bersama Ahli Majlis MAB.
MAB (Malaysian Association For The Blind) adalah sebuah badan sukarela yang ditubuhkan pada 1951 atas dasar menjaga kebajikan orang-orang buta pada ketika itu.
Sesi dialog itu tercetus kerana tersebar luasnya rasa ketidak puasan hati di kalangan komuniti blind terhadap pentadbiran MAB dan kepimpinan atasan persatuan tersebut.
Saya sebenarnya tidaklah hadir ketika berlangsungnya dialog tersebut, tetapi atas kemurahan hati rakan-rakan blind, mereka telah merakam program tersebut dan melalui kemudahan teknologi masa kini, mereka telah menguploadkan ke alam maya. Maka saya yang duduk di hujung kampung pun dapatlah sama-sama menghayati dialog tersebut.
Any way, terima kasih bebanyak kepada rakan yang telah merakamnya, biar pun ada commercial brake yang tidak disengajakan, saya kira.
Di sini saya tidaklah mahu menuding jari kepada mana-mana pihak, kerana saya sendiri tidaklah begitu akrab dengan MAB. Kewujudan saya di MAB, hanya sesekali, bilamana ada program yang menarik minat sahaja.
Saya hanya ingin melontarkan pendapat saya terhadap dialog tersebut, berdasarkan pemerhatian telinga saya semata-mata.
Hu hu, begitu ghairah kenkawan blind melontar pandangan, mau pun menyuarakan ketidak puasan hati masing-masing, sehingga ada kalanya tercetus imosi diluar kawalan dikedua-dua belah pihak. Tetapi dengan kematangan pihak mc, suasana sentiasa "under control"
Ada dua isu yang agak menarik perhatian saya dalam dialog tersebut:
*Terdapat persoalan persaraan beramai-ramai yang ditimbulkan oleh pihak komuniti blind. Dan dijawab baik oleh pihak Dato' Presiden.
Bagi saya, ada baiknya mereka yang lebih had umur meninggalkan kerusi masing-masing, maka dengan ini akan memberi ruang dan peluang kepada anak-anak muda yang kehausan kerja pula. Mudah-mudahan ruang dan peluang tersebut akan dibuka luas untuk gulungan blind sendiri.
*masalah unit jualan juga turut mendapat perhatian kenkawan blind.
Saya sebagai sebahagian dari komuniti blind juga amat berharap agar pihak atasan MAB dapatmemberi perhatian serius terhadap masalah kenaikan harga jualan peralatan sokongan untuk kami.
Peralatan sokongan yang dijual seperti:
*white cane,
*jam tangan untuk lelaki/perempuan,
*clock bersuara,
*niddle tradler dan berbagai lagi alat sokongan harian.
Barangan ini dibeli dengan duit yang diimfaqkan oleh orang awam keatas nama blind, maka, apa salahnya bila ianya dijual kembali kepada kami, biarlah dengan harga yang bersesuaian dengan kemampuan sebahagian besar dari kami.
Saya kira dialog tersebut agak berjaya merongkai sebahagian kecil dari ketidak puasan hati komuniti blind. Tetapi harapan saya, andai dialog seperti ini diadakan, pihak MAB perlu mencatat setiap persoalan yang timbul dari pihak kami. Kerana pada pendengaran saya, ada persoalan yang tidak dijawab, mungkin atas faktor lupa kerana kelemahan tidak mencatat.
Semoga program sebegini terus dijalankan oleh pihak persatuan dan komuniti blind. Paling tidak, pihak pemimpin atasan dapat bertukar salam atau paling lekeh pun, bersua muka dengan masyarakat awam blind.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Di sebelah malam syawal kedua, bersamaan 20 Ogos, kami tiga beranak terbang ke Terengganu pula. Lebih kurang 1 jam perjalanan dari Subang airpot,, kami selamat tiba di Terengganu dan disambut oleh abang keduaku di airpot Sultan Mahmud.

Kami bermukim di Terengganu selama 4 hari, 4 malam.

Raya di Terengganu kali ini nampaknya memberi nilai tambah untuk kami sekeluarga:

Bilamana aku berkesempatan menjenguk kaum kerabat yang telah agak lama tidak ketemu.

Bila bertemu dengan kak sepupu yang seorang ini, bagai drama swastalah pula. Sambil berdakapan, manik-manik mutiara beliau turut berderai. Aku? Ah, turut sebak, walau tak tahu punca.

Sementara Haikal pula mendapat kepuasan bila dapat menterjemahkan apa yang diidamkan selama ini.

Dia sungguh gembira apabila dapat menjejakkan kakinya ke sawah padi, miski pun sawah kering kontang, kerana musim menuai telah berlalu.

24 Ogos, bersamaan Jumaat, tibalah masa untuk aku tiga beranak berangkat meninggalkan tanah tumpah darahku.

Alhamdulillah, kami selamat tiba di “our sweet home” tepat jam 8.00 malam. Biar pun kepenatan, namun ku lihat Haikal begitu enjoy.