Sebagaimana yang kita maklum, setiap apa yang dicipta Allah di muka bumi ini, pasti ada kebaikannya. Kalau tidak kepada manusia, ianya bermunafaat buat tumbuh-tumbuhan mau pun alam sekitar.
Apatah lagi jika sesuatu itu menjadi sunnah rasullullah SAW. Contohnya buah tin/figs. Bila ianya sudah menjadi diet harian baginda, pasti kelengkapan nutrisinya tidak boleh dipertikaikan lagi.
Mengikut pengalaman blogger yang kerdil ini, setelah beberapa minggu dijadikan diet harian keluarga, selain dari kandungan nutrisi yang menakjubkan, ianya terlalu baik untuk pembuangan angin.
Anak blogger tidak lagi mengadu susah K E N T U T dan mengalami kembong. Kalau sebelum ini, dia amat mudah diserang kembong perut, jika tersilap makan.
Baegitu juga terhadap diri blogger sendiri, terasa badan lebih bebas dari dikuasai angin dan perut tidak lagi mengandungi asid berlebihan.
Nota: *buah tin ada beberapa saiz; kecil, sedang, dan besar
*lingkungan harga di pasaran
Rujuk artikal di bawah untuk maklumat hasiat buah tin dari cik google:
Health Benefits
Help Lower High Blood Pressure
Figs are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure. Since many people not only do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, but do consume high amounts of sodium as salt is frequently added to processed foods, they may be deficient in potassium. Low intake of potassium-rich foods, especially when coupled with a high intake of sodium, can lead to hypertension.
In the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study, one group ate servings of fruits and vegetables in place of snacks and sweets, and also ate low-fat dairy food. This diet delivered more potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Another group ate a "usual" diet low in fruits and vegetables with a fat content like that found in the average American Diet. After eight weeks, the group that ate the enhanced diet lowered their blood pressure by an average of 5.5 points (systolic) over 3.0 points (diastolic).
A Sweet Way to Lose Weight Figs are a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber and fiber-rich foods may have a positive effect on weight management. In one study, women who increased their fiber intake with supplements significantly decreased their energy intake, yet their hunger and satiety scores did not change. Figs, like other high fiber foods, may be helpful in a weight management program.
Fruit and Cereal Fiber Protective against Postmenopausal Breast CancerResults of a prospective study involving 51,823 postmenopausal women for an average of 8.3 years showed a 34% reduction in breast cancer risk for those consuming the most fruit fiber compared to those consuming the least. In addition, in the subgroup of women who had ever used hormone replacement, those consuming the most fiber, especially cereal fiber, had a 50% reduction in their risk of breast cancer compared to those consuming the least. Int J Cancer. 2008
Jan 15;122(2):403-12.
Fruits richest in fiber include apples, dates, figs, pears and prunes. When choosing a high fiber cereal, look for whole grain cereals as they supply the most bran (a mere 1/3rd cup of bran contains about 14 grams of fiber).
An Insulin-Lowering Leaf in Diabetes You probably do not think about the leaves of the fig tree as one of fig's edible parts. But in some cultures, fig leaves are a common part of the menu, and for good reason. The leaves of the fig have repeatedly been shown to have antidiabetic properties and can actually reduce the amount of insulin needed by persons with diabetes who require insulin injections. In one study, a liquid
extract made from fig leaves was simply added to the breakfast of insulin-dependent diabetic subjects in order to produce this insulin-lowering effect.
Bone Density Promoter
Figs are a fruit source of calcium (79 milligrams in an 8 oz-wt serving), a mineral that has many functions including promoting bone density. Additionally, figs' potassium may also counteract the increased urinary calcium loss caused by the high-salt diets typical of most Americans, thus helping to further prevent bones from thinning out at a fast rate.
Cardiovascular Effects
In animal studies, fig leaves have been shown to lower levels of triglycerides (a form in which fats circulate in the bloodstream), while in in vitro studies, fig leaves inhibited the growth of certain types of cancer cells. Researchers have not yet determined exactly which substances in fig leaves are responsible for these remarkable healing effects.
Besides their potassium and fiber content, figs emerged from our food ranking system as a good source of the trace mineral manganese.
Dipetik dari: WH food