It is a diary of life. Life is simple but it is not easy. May الله guidances us till the end.
mudah-mudahan di laman yang tak seindahnya ini dapat memberi munafaat miski secebis cuma. inshaallah.
Monday, January 31, 2011
**kalau sebelum mengambil product ini, ibu sering mengalami sesak nafas, tapi setelah sebulan mengambilnya, masalah itu telah hilang.
**kalau sebelum mengambil product ini, ibu tidak langsung mampu melakukan sebarang kerja rumah, malah, mengangkat sebiji bantal pun, dia tidak mampu. Tapi, setelah sebulan memakannya, Alhamdulillah, ibu sudah mampu melakukan aktiviti seperti biasa.
**kalau sebelum mengambil product ini, bapa mertua saya selalu sesak nafas dan telah disahkan oleh doctor, bahawa 2 salur darahnya tersumbat, tapi setelah 2 bulan memakannya, Alhamdulillah, dia juga kini telah melakukan aktiviti hariannya seperti biasa.
So, I'll be happy to share here. Hopefully it can help to anyone who has heart problems.
A brief about Danshen Plus Capsule
Salvia Miltiorrhiza
After clinical application for eleven years and tremendous amount of
scientific experiments, Danshen Plus, a precious modern Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM), is proved to be capable of remarkable effects on
protecting normal functions of blood vessel endothelium. It is also proved
that long-term used of Danshen Plus can reduce the occurrence of coronary
heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases thus Danshen Plus has
perfect effects on heart protection. Research shows that Danshen Plus
assuages pain immediately in 40.2% patients and stops angina pectoris in
3-8 minutes in 48% patients with sublingual intake, making the total
effective rate more than 88%.
Danshen Plantation Field
Moreover, clinical application reveals that Danshen Plus starts its effect
as soon as nitroglycerin, so Danshen Plus Capsule can also be used to
relieve pain immediately. In the 10 years clinical application, Danshen
Plus Capsule is proved to have effects on protecting coronary heart
disease and angina pectoris, meanwhile, Danshen Plus Capsule has good
effects on other disease such as metabolic syndrome, thus it has
protective functions on heart diseases.
6 Main Functions Of Danshen Plus Capsule
Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule, with the precious ingredients of Salvia
Miltiorrhiza, Notoginseng etc. It has similar function of anti-platelet
aggregation as Aspirin. Moreover, it has effects on cholesterol and
triglyceride reduction, blood viscosity reduction, general
microcirculation improvement, anti-oxidation, free radical clearance,
cardiac muscle protection, etc. These functions coordinate at multiple
levels, aim at multiple targets, and act in multiple systems. Most effects
function at key points of coronary heart disease. We strongly suggest that
Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule should be used to fight coronary heart disease.
And we suggest mid-age population (male>35 years old and female>40 years
old) take Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule as early as possible, because their
hearts should be taken care more seriously.
Brain infarction is commonly known as ‘brain stroke’. It includes the
formation of blood clot and embolism. Incidence of brain stroke increases
obviously in recent years. It also occurs more and more frequently in
young people recently. Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule has the function to
improve blood circulation by removing stasis. Clinical application proves
that Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule and conventional therapies has good
effects on patients suffering from brain stroke.
Microcirculation is the blood circulation between the capillary arterioles
and venules. It’s used for the nutrient exchange between body, blood and
tissue and brings oxigen and nutrient to tissues and takes away the
metabolic productions. It has been proven by many researches that Kasly
Danshen Plus Capsule can improve the body microcirculation. Research in
Medical School of Keio University, Japan, has shown that Kasly Danshen
Plus Capsule has a multi-target effect on microcirculation disturbance.
Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule has definite function to reduce blood lipid,
especially function to cholesterol. Some researches have been done to
patients of carotid atherosclerosis. Controlled by normal dosage of
Aspirin, treatment with therapeutic dosage (10 cap x 3 times per day)
Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule results in:
- Change of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT): Carotid IMT thickness
decreased in the group treated with Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule (P<0.05),
and there was no noticeable change in control group.
- Change of blood rheology: Blood viscosity of both groups decreased, but
no remarkable difference between the treatment group and control group was
observed (P>0.05).
- Change of blood lipid level: Patients in both groups have a high level
of blood lipid. After treatment of Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule, cholesterol
and triglyceride level were significant difference (p<0.01) between
respondents and control groups.
Diabetic retinopathy and renopathy caused by microcirculation and
capillary of diabetes patients, the common complications in micro blood
vessels regarding to diabetes. Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule change the blood
rheology, anti-calcium ion and reduce the triglyceride and cholesterol
level. Therefore, Kasly Danshen Plus Capsule is highly recommended to
diabetes complication patient.
more information, please go to:
Friday, January 28, 2011
Mengertilah putraku, kau kini sudah berada diangka tujuh, dan telah pun melangkah ke alam persekolahan. Justeru, mulai tahun ini dan tahun-tahun mendatang,mindamu pasti di-asak dengan pelbagai permasalahan pembelajaran. Lantas, sebagai anak pelajar lelaki muslim sejati, kau mahu tidakmahu, wajib mempersiapkan dirimu seteguh mungkin.
Sebagai seorang ibu, mama hanya mampu berusaha mendukung dan selanjutnya, menadah tangan kehadrat Ilahi agar mental, jasmani serta rohanimu kental lantas terus istiqamah berjalan di landasan yang diredhai DIA YANG menguasai alam.
Lantas putraku, sebagai empunya diri, mama mohon padamu, usah kau mudah mengalah dengan apa kesulitan pembelajaran yang bakal kau lalui. Istiqamah-lah putraku, dalam memperhambakan diri kepada Maha Pencipta, lalu memohonlah kau padanya se-ikhlas hati. Inshaallah, jalanmu dipermudahkan.
Berusahalah memahami akan setiap apa yang kau tela’ah agar mudah ianya di aplikasi dalam kehidupan kita seharian. Kerna, ilmu tidak ber-erti jika hanya teori semata-mata.
Sesungguhnya putraku, ilmu yang kau perolehi selama ini dan ilmu bakal kau terokai, pastinya secara tak langsung akan melengkapkan kekurangan ilmu yang ada pada mama, Inshaallah.
Putraku, dengan hati tulus dan penuh kasih sayang, mama mendoakan agar kau terus beroleh bahagia dalam hidup dan kecemerlangan disisi DIA (allah) peneraju seluruh alam.
Happy birthday sayang. Moga barakah Allah akan terus melingkungi dirimu.
Semoga ilmu dan usiamu bakal memberi munafaat kepada dirimu sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat jua dunia islam, Inshaallah.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Di bawah beberapa langkah keselamatan yang perlu diambil perhatian oleh setiap ahli keluarga dewasa,demi kesejahteraan seisi keluarga sewaktu di rumah.
Sebelum menyerah akan diri kita kepada Allah Azawajjala, perlulah ada usaha dari diri sendiri.
Setelah setiap perkara itu kita lakukan yang terbaik, lantas, wajiblah kita menyerah kepada Yang Maha Pencipta sepenuh hati.
Tip-tip di bawah saya ambil dari email yang dikirimkan oleh sahabat dalam sebuah mailing list.
1. Test each smoke alarm in your home
2. Replace the batteries in each smoke alarm
3. Count how many smoke alarms you have in your house. If you do not have one on every level and near sleeping areas, purchase additional smoke alarms
4. Designate an outside meeting place for your family (for example: the mailbox) in case of a fire or emergency
5. Blow out candles before leaving the room or going to sleep
6. Use a sturdy candle holder or hurricane lamp
7. Turn down your hot water heater to 120 degrees or less to prevent burns
8. Roll up your sleeves before you start cooking
9. Have oven mitts nearby when cooking
10. Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove
11. Store all matches and lighters out of reach of children
12. Put hot food and drinks near the center of the table only
13. Put down your hot drink when carrying your baby
14. Test hot water with an elbow before allowing a child to touch
15. Post your fire escape plan on your refrigerator
16. Put water on cigarette butts before throwing them away
17. Unplug small appliances such as hair dryers and toasters after using them
18. Use flameless candles
19. Move anything that can burn, such as dish towels, at least three feet away from the stove
20. Practice “Stop, Drop and Roll” with your kids
21. Schedule an appointment to have your furnace cleaned and inspected
22. Look for the UL Mark when you buy appliances
23. Tell kids to stay away from the stove/oven
24. Turn space heaters off before going to bed
25. Remove any gasoline from your home
26. Put non-slip strips in your tub and shower
27. Install night lights in the hallway
28. Put a flashlight in each bedroom
29. Wipe up spills as soon as they happen to prevent slips and falls
30. Flip over large buckets so water cannot accumulate and become a drowning danger
31. Store cleaners and other poisons away from food
32. Post the Poison Control hotline number (1-800-222-1222) next to your phone
33. If you have young children, use cabinet locks on cabinets that have poisons such as antifreeze, cleaners, detergents, etc.
34. Keep medicine in its original containers
35. Purchase a carbon monoxide detector for your home
36. Test your carbon monoxide (CO) alarm
37. Put your infant to sleep on his/her back
38. Remove any soft bedding, stuffed animals and pillows from your infant’s crib
39. Cut your toddler’s food into small bites
40. Use safety straps on high chairs and changing tables
41. Move cribs away from windows
42. Use safety covers on unused electrical outlets
43. Test small toys for choking hazards – if it fits in a toilet paper roll, it’s too small
44. Remove all plastic bags from the nursery
45. Pick up any small items, such as coins or buttons, that can be choking hazards for infants and toddlers
46. Write down emergency contact information for your family and make sure everyone has these numbers
47. If young children live in or visit your home, move furniture away from windows so they don’t climb up to look out and accidentally fall
48. Tie window cords out of a child’s reach
49. Check your child’s bath water temperature (use your wrist or elbow) to make sure it is not too hot
50. Remove drawstrings from your baby’s clothing
51. Keep the toilet lid shut to prevent little fingers from getting slammed by a falling lid
52. If you have toddlers, install a toilet seat lock
53. If you have young children, install door knob covers on bathroom doors
54. Use a fireplace screen
55. Put toys away after playing
56. Don’t refer to medicine or vitamins as “candy”
57. Put on safety glasses before any DIY project
58. Put tools away after your DIY project is complete
59. Post emergency numbers near your phone
60. Pick up one new thing for your family’s emergency preparedness kit
61. Use a ladder, not a chair, when climbing to reach something
62. Use plastic instead of glass near the pool
63. Cover any spa or hot tub when it is not in use
64. Purchase a first aid kit
65. Drain the bath tub immediately after bathing
66. Remove clutter from the stairs
67. Use the handrail when you are walking up or down the stairs
68. If the power goes out, use flashlights instead of candles
69. Ask smokers to smoke outside
70. Wear proper shoes when climbing a ladder
71. Check your home for too many plugs in one socket and fix the problem
72. Install baby gates at the top and bottom of stairs if you have young children
73. Never leave food cooking unattended
74. Make sure pools or spas are properly fenced to keep out small children
75. Teach kids to tell you when they see matches or lighters
76. Turn out the lights when you leave the room
77. Unplug appliances that aren’t in use (especially in the kitchen)
78. Take your hair dryer off of the bathroom counter and store it safely
79. Check your electronics for the UL Mark
80. Identify two exits from every room with your kids in case of fire
81. Check your holiday decorations – keep breakable decorations out of reach of young children
82. Replace an old light bulb with a new energy-efficient option
83. Check the walls for loose paint chips and re-paint with low-VOC or VOC-free paint
84. Check all the outlets in your home for overloaded sockets or extension cords
85. Remove any extension cords that are pulled under rugs or tacked up
86. Place fire extinguishers in key areas of your home
87. Place an escape ladder in an upstairs room that might not have an easy exit
88. Remove any painted furniture that is pre-1978 to avoid possible lead exposure
89. Lock medications safely in a cabinet
90. Consider low-flow toilets
91. Check that all major appliances are grounded and test your GFCIs
92. Clean the lint trap and hose on your dryer
93. Check your swing set for sharp edges or dangerous S-hooks
94. Take a tour of your home from your child’s perspective looking for hazards
95. Hold a family fire drill
Semoga kita beroleh sedikit munafaat. Mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Mungkin apa yang bakal ku ceritakan kali ini tidaklah menarik perhatian teman-teman. Tetapi bagiku ianya memberi pengajaran buat diriku sendiri.
Sepanjang hidupku, aku tak pernah mengambil pusing untuk
Tersebutlah alkisah, semalam tetiba Si Kecilku meragam nak makan masak kicap. Pada asalnya, aku dan Si Kecil merancang untuk masak gulai ayam dan untukn ya ayam goring. Tapi saat aku mula menyediakan bahan-bahan masakan, saat itulah dia datang buat order baru.
"ma, tolong buatkan saya ayam kicaplah." Katanya sambil memeluk pinggangku.
"okay, saiap." Jawabku tanpa merujuk kepada botol kicap terlebih dahulu.
Bila tiba saat aku memerlukan kicap, aku pun mendapatkan botolnya, "alamak, tudungnya tak berbuka lagi." Sungutku dalam hati.
Termenung aku seketika. Nak ku tebuk, aku tak punya alat penebuk. Yang aku ada, hanya pembuka tin. Nak tebuk menggunakan pisau, aku tak berani.
"sayang, hari ni, tak payahlah, masak kicap ya." Kataku
"tak boleh. Saya nak juga masak kicap. Kalau tak saya tak nak makan." Jawab dia mula nak menangis.
"alamak, dia mengugut pula." Kataku dalam hati.
Kerana malas nak
Mahu tidakmahu, aku pun mengambil pembuka tin dan
Jadi, dapatlah aku hentikan lagu yang membosankan dari mulut Si Kecilku.
The moral of the story:
**setiap perkara itu,
**jangan cepat berkata "susah" sebelum mencubanya
**sebagai isteri/ibu, explore apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan tugasan dapur.
**ada mulut, bertanya. jangan ambil kesempatan atas kebaikan orang/kemudahan yang ada.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Ghalid jejarinya menari
Sambil matanya tunduk ke lantai..
Di bawah sebang-sebang cahaya
Suaranya merintih sendu..
“kembalikan usiaku..
Pulangkan tenagaku..”
Di bawah sebang-sebang cahaya
Manik-manik jernih berderaian
Menyesali diri..
Di bawah sebang-sebang cahaya
Berbekal tenaga secebis Cuma
Tekadnya menggunung
Cuba mengutip semula
Satu persatu
Usia yang berlalu..
Nota: “sebang-sebang” bermakna cahaya yang suram/samar-samar
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Demi meluahkan apa yang bermain diminda, aku lantas menarikan jejariku di atas keyboard. Paling tidak,dapatku hiaskan laman maya sebagai hiburan bagi yang sudi menyelusuri laman mayaku.
Ya, miski peristiwa nakal itu telah jauh ditinggalkan dek masa, namun ia tetap terpahat dikotak memori.
Kala peristiwa nakal terjadi, aku di lower 6, sementara Ani di upper 6 dan Ida di form 5. sepatutnya, dalam usia begitu, aku tak sepatutnya melakukan peristiwa nakal itu. Tapi entah kenapa, dek kerana malas ke prap (kelas malam), aku tega melakukannya.
Sudah menjadi undang-undang asrama, setiap pelajar mesti mengosongkan dom untuk berada di ruang belajar setiap malam bermula jam 8.00 pm hingga 10.00 pm. Tapi entah kenapa hari itu aku malas nak ke prap. Kebetulan, Ani dan Ida juga sepertiku. Apa lagi seronoklah kami, saling berteman.
Demi tidak mahu pelajar lain tahu yang kami tidak ke prap, kami off kan lampu dan tutup pintu dom agar dianggap tiada penghuni dalam dom kami oleh orang lain.
Nak dijadikan cerita, Sedang kami duduk santai sambil makan-makan, tetiba guru asrama membuat rondaan kesetiap dom. Kami hanya menyedari kehadiran cikgu R, bila mendengar hentakan kasutnya telah menghampiri dom kami. Nasib kami agak baik, kerana pada masa itu tiada komunikasi suara antara kami bertiga. Masing-masing sibuk mengunyah.
Tanpa off kipas, dan dengan makanan ditangan, masing-masing sepantas kilat menyelamatkan diri. Aku dan Ida menyelinap masuk ke dalam carbord sendiri, kerana saat itu, aku dan Ida duduk berhampiran carbord. Sementara Ani terpaksa mengecilkan tubuhnya ke bawah katil. Kerana tika itu dia duduk berhampiran katil. Nasib baik badan Ani tidaklah sebesar mana.
Dari tempat persembunyianku aku mendengar cikgu R mengomel.
“ern, banyaknya selipa.” Lalu pintu dom ditarik “ya Allah, tutupkanlah pandangan cikgu R seketika.” Doaku dalam hati.
“biar betul budak-budak ni. Kipas pun tak di off kannya. Ha, tin biskut dibiarkan terdedah.” Sungut cikgu R lagi. Mungkin tidak berpuas hati, dia berjalan mundar-mandir dalam dom kami berberapa ketika.
“ya Allah, janganlah ada antara kami yang mengeluarkan bunyi.” Doaku lagi dalam hati.
Setelah berpuashati agaknya, cikgu R berlalu dengan menutup kembali pintu dom kami.
Setelah hentakan kasutnya jauh dari pendengaranku, aku pun melompat keluar dari carbord. Begitu juga dengan Ani dan Ida. Masing-masing ketawa kecil sambil mengucapkan Alhamdulillah kerana terselamat.
Berpeluh-peluh jugalah aku dan Ida kerana kepanasan. Yalah, terkurunglah katakan.
Nasib baik, akal cikgu R tu tak panjang kala itu. Kalau tak, tentu dia intai-intai bawah katil dan buka semua carbord.
Hahaha, nakal juga aku dulu-dulu rupanya. Namun itu semua hanya tinggal dalam kekotak memori.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Dunia menyaksikan kepergian 2010..
Anika rentak,
Anika lagak,
Anika gaya,
Mengiringi kepergianmu..
Tersenyum puaskah,
Kau 2010?
Menangis hibakah,
Kau berlalu?
Tiada yang tahu isi hatimu..
Yang pasti,
Kau menyimpan seribu cerita..