assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
mudah-mudahan di laman yang tak seindahnya ini dapat memberi munafaat miski secebis cuma. inshaallah.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ingin Satu Hidangan Simple Tapi Membuka Selera? Cuba Ini

Sambal Tumis Bilis Campur Tempoyak

Masakan ini tampak simple, tatapi bisa membuka selera andai ianya dihidangkan bersama sayur lemak putih dan telur dadar.


*bawang merah mengikut kehendak kepekatan sambal

*  2ulas bawang putih

*  cli padi/kering mengikut ketahanan pedas sendiri

*ikan bilis mengikut sukatan sendiri

*1 sudu besar tempoyak

Nota:  untuk mendapat rasa yang enak, gunakan durian yang elik untuk dijadikan tempoyak


*bersih ikan bilis, goring sehingga rangup

  • tumbuk bawang, cili sehingga hancur

*panaskan sedikit minyak, tumis bahan yang ditumbuk sehingga naik bau

*masukkan sedikit air, tunggu ia mendidih

*setelah mendidih, masukkan tempoyak, kacau sehinga pekat

*masukkan garam secukup rasa

*setelah agak pekat, masukkan bilis yang telah digoreng,  kacau sekejap sehinga sebati, kemudian angkat

Sumber:  resipi peribadi

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Lahirnya Junjungan membawa cahaya,
Menerangi segenap langit dan bumi;
Baginda berkorban jiwa dan raga,
Menyibarkan islam agama suci.

Kulit putih bercahaya wajah
Molik pekerti indah bahasa;
Amalan baginda itulah sunnah,
Mari ikuti tanda kasih kita.

Lembut tingkah manis muka,
Dengan sahabat senang berbicara;
Jangan siakan pengorbanan baginda,
Martabatkan islam dalam diri kita.

Semangat kental dalam perjuangan,
Penuh berhemah menusun strateji;
Mari hayati hadith junjungan,
Cara hidup baginda sehari hari.

Jujur amanah dalam perniagaan,
Menambat hati setiap kabilah;
Menyayangi rasul saw pelengkap iman,
Mulia baginda disisi Allah.

Waktu kecil dalam kemiskinan,
Peribadi mulia jadi perhatian;
Bukti kasih baginda tiada hitungan,
Bukti kasih kita apa gerangan.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I've heard that tofu is a great source of calcium but I'm wondering if there is any downside to it?

Most tofu has been prepared using added calcium, so it's actually even better than you might think for people who are worried about bone calcium and osteoporosis. Four ounces of tofu usually contain about 400 milligrams of calcium when calcium has been used in the processing (precipitation) of tofu.


The fact that a food appears in The World's Healthiest Foods book and website does not mean that that food, including tofu, is for everyone. I recognize the need to personalize food choices, to find a healthy menu that truly matches a person's individual needs. For example, there's no doubt about it that some people need to steer clear of soy products, like tofu, while some people can tolerate soy in moderate doses only. Many other people can eat soy foods in substantial amounts on a regular basis and do just fine while other people actually need to incorporate soy into their menu for health reasons and get specific benefits from doing so. I'm not aware of major problems with soy consumption beyond the issues involving oxalate content, goitrogenic effect, and allergic response. Here's more on these issues:




As mentioned above, soybeans are among a small number of foods that contain any measurable amount of oxalates, naturally occurring substances found in plants, animals, and human beings. When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems. For this reason, individuals with already existing and untreated kidney or gallbladder problems may want to limit soybean consumption. Additionally, while oxalates can bind together with calcium and lower its absorption, it's important to remember that the calcium and the oxalates in tofu don't "cross each other out" and you still get calcium, protein, and many other essential nutrients from your tofu.


Goitrogenic effect


Soybeans contain goitrogens, naturally occurring substances in certain foods that interfere with the functioning of the thyroid glad. Individuals with already existing and untreated thyroid problems may want to limit soybean consumption (and therefore, tofu consumption) for this reason. It's also important to note, however, that several studies involving large groups of women show no negative impact of soybean consumption on thyroid hormone levels. It is also worth noting that cooking may help to inactivate the goitrogenic compounds found in soybeans. In the human studies that we have reviewed, only one repeated finding has given us cause for concern when it comes to adult consumption of whole soy foods and thyroid-related effects. That concern involves individuals who regularly consume soy foods while at the same time following a diet that is deficient in iodine.


Allergic Response


Although allergic reactions can occur to virtually any food, research studies on food allergy consistently report more problems with some foods — such as soybeans and foods made from them — than others. Some of the most common symptoms for food allergies include eczema, hives, skin rash, headache, runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing, gastrointestinal disturbances, depression, hyperactivity, and insomnia. If you suspect a food allergy to soybeans, you will want to consult with a dietitian or other licensed healthcare provider who specializes in food allergy before making a decision about the role of tofu in your Healthiest Way of Eating.


Genetically Modified Soybeans


A large percentage of the conventionally grown soybeans in the United States come from genetically modified (GM) seeds. If you are looking your exposure to GM foods, choose organically grown soybeans and foods such as tofu (as well as tempeh and miso) made from it, since the current USDA organic regulations prohibit the use of GM seeds for growing foods to be labeled as organically grown.




Copyright © 2012 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165

Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm a strict vegetarian. How can I get enough vitamin B12?

The only reliable food sources of active vitamin B12 are animal foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, yogurt, and cheese. While some plant foods in their fermented or otherwise processed versions (including sprouting, in some cases) contain vitamin B12, there are no known plant foods that provide consistent, dependable levels of this important nutrient.


Many soil bacteria can make vitamin B12; so can certain bacterial inhabitants of the human digestive tract. Yet, there is inadequate research to confirm that these potential B12 sources are reliable sources for a person who is strictly vegan and eats no animal foods of any kind, including dairy products.


It's important here to distinguish between a strict vegetarian — who might include eggs and dairy products in his or her meal plan — and a strict vegan, who would not include these foods. All of those non-flesh yet animal-derived foods can contain B12. Strict vegans should therefore do one or more of the following:


  • Regularly consume foods that have been fortified with active vitamin B12, such as fortified breakfast cereals or bread products, fortified soy products (like soy burgers, hotdogs, or breakfast patties), nutritional yeast, and yeast extracts
  • Take an oral, nasal, or sublingual vitamin B12 supplement
  • Receive vitamin B12 injections from their doctor.
    Copyright © 2012 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved
    George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165

    Monday, January 7, 2013

    Renungan Pagi

    Lagenda melaka panglima hang tuah,
    Tercatat dalam sejarah negeri;
    Basahkan jiwa denngan zikrillah,
    Pasti wajah tenang dan berseri.

    Lantang muazin mengalunkan suara,
    Memanggil manusia sujud ke bumi;
    Kalau inginkan rumah  bercahaya,
    Bacalah alquran setiap hari.

    Indah pelangi menghiasi senja,
    Di dada langit kemas terlukis;
    Tunaikan segala hak MAHA ESA,
    Agar di sana tak diishtihar muflis.

    Makan beradab bermula sudah,
    Bersimpuh pengantin suap menyuap,
    Banyak mata jelling-jelingan,
    Tampak si gadis tersipu malu;
    Bantu membantu kekuatan ummah,
    Hadith nabi jelas terungkap,
    Orang mukmin bagai sebuah bangunan,
    Saling melengkapi antara satu.

    Tumbuh melata pucuk pegaga,
    Banyak hasiat nilainya tinggi;
    Betapa Allah kasihkan hambanya,
    Penunjuk jalan turut dirahmati.

    Thursday, January 3, 2013

    Why is chewing such an important part of digestion?

    Chewing is an extremely important, yet oftentimes overlooked, part of healthy digestion. Most people put food in their mouth, chew a few times, and swallow. Yet, in reality it doesn't really take much time and effort to chew your food well. What you get in return is worth the effort in terms of better health and enjoyment of food.

    How thoroughly to chew

    While various health professionals advocate distinct numbers of times you should chew food, I recommend more personal guidelines. I feel that this approach will better help you get a sense of your own eating patterns and help you further develop your relationship with your food. My suggestion is that you chew your food completely until it is small enough and dissolved enough to be swallowed with ease. A good rule of thumb is as follows: if you can tell what kind of food you are eating from the texture of the food in your mouth (not the taste), then you haven't chewed it enough. For example, if you are chewing broccoli and you run your tongue over the stalk and can tell that it is still a stalk or over the floret and you can still tell that it is still a floret, don't swallow. You need to keep on chewing until you can't tell the stalk from the floret.

    The mechanical process of digestion begins with chewing

    The action of chewing mechanically breaks down very large aggregates of food molecules into smaller particles. This results in the food having increased surface area, an important contributing factor to good digestion. In addition to the obvious benefit of reduced esophageal stress that accompanies swallowing smaller, rather than larger, pieces of food, there is another very important benefit to chewing your food well that comes with its ability to be exposed to saliva for a longer period of time.
    The chemical process of digestion begins with chewing

    Food's contact with saliva is important because it helps to lubricate the food, making it easier for foods (notably dry ones) to pass easier through the esophagus. It's also important because saliva contains enzymes that contribute to the chemical process of digestion. Carbohydrate digestion begins with salivary alpha-amylase secreted by glands positioned near the mouth. This alpha-amylase helps break down some of the chemical bonds that connect the simple sugars that comprise starches. Additionally, the first stage of fat digestion also occurs in the mouth with the secretion of the enzyme lingual lipase by glands located at the root of the tongue.

    Incomplete digestion can lead to bacterial overgrowth

    When food is not well chewed and the food fragments are too big to be properly broken down, incomplete digestion occurs. Not only do nutrients not get extracted from the food but undigested food also becomes fodder for bacteria in the colon; this can lead to bacterial overgrowth, flatulence, and other symptoms of indigestion.

    Chewing relaxes the lower stomach muscle

    Chewing is directly connected with the movement of food through your digestive tract, and, in particular, with the movement of food from your stomach to your small intestine. At the lower end of your stomach, there is a muscle called the pylorus. This muscle must relax in order for food to leave your stomach and pass into your small intestine. Sufficient saliva from optimal chewing helps relax the pylorus, and, in this way, helps your food move through your digestive tract in healthy fashion.

    Chewing triggers the rest of the digestive process

    Yet, the contribution of chewing to good digestion does not even stop there. The process of chewing also activates signaling messages to the rest of the gastrointestinal system that trigger it to begin the entire digestive process. This is because when chewing is a well-paced, thorough process, it can actually be said to belong to the "cephalic stage of digestion," the phase in which you first see, smell, and taste your food. The length of time spent chewing the food is related to the length of the cephalic stage of digestion since with more extensive chewing, the longer the food gets to be seen, tasted, and smelled. Cephalic phase responses have been extensively analyzed in the research literature. The release of small messaging molecules that are critical for digestion-such as cholecystokinin, somatostatin, and neurotensin-have been found to increase by over 50% just by the mere sight and smell of food. Additionally, research has shown how chewing, as well as the activation of taste receptors in the mouth, can prompt the nervous system to relay information to the gastrointestinal system to optimize the process of digestion. For example, stimulation of the taste receptors can signal the stomach lining to produce hydrochloric acid that helps in the breakdown of protein. Additionally, chewing signals the pancreas to prepare to secrete enzymes and bicarbonate into the lumen of the small intestines.

    Copyright © 2013 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved
    George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165